Scientific papers
O’Brien E, Thornes RD, O’Brien D, Hogan B. Inhibition of Antiplasmin and Fibrinolytic Effect of Protease in Patients with Cancer. Lancet 1968;1:173-176.
Anonymous.Protease and cancer. Lancet 1968;1:188.
Scientific papers
O’Brien E. The Fibrinolytic System in Arteriosclerosis. J Irish Med Ass 1969;62:203-212.
O’Brien E, Thornes RD. Physiology of Fibrinolysis: The effect of Exercise on Fibrinolysis in Health and Multiple Sclerosis. Ir J Med Sci 1969;1:195-202.
O’Brien E, Clery AP,Thornes RD. Dose Prediction of Streptokinase in Patients undergoing surgery. J Royal Coll Surg Ireland 1969;4:105-109.
Huang CL, O’Brien E, Thornes RD. The Thrombolytic Action of Protease on Experimentally Produced Venous Thrombi the Dog. Ir J Med Sci 1969;2:378-379.
O’Brien E, Goldstraw P. Alcoholic Myopathy. Brit Med J 1969;4:785-786.
Eddy JD, O’Brien ET, Singh SP. Glucagon and Haemodynamics of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Brit Med J 1969;4:663-665.
Scientific papersO’Brien ET, Eales GR, Fletcher RS, Bradwell J. Wegener’s Granulomatosis. Brit J Clin Prac 1970;24:427-429.
Scientific papers
O’Brien ET, Yeomans A. Hepatorenal Damage from Toluene in a ‘Glue Sniffer’. Brit Med J 1971;2;29-30.
O’Brien ET, Singh SP. Pigeon Breeder’s Disease. J Ir Med Ass 1971;64:627-629.
O’Brien ET. Sniffing Syndrome. Brit Med J 1971;2:183.
Scientific papers
O’Brien ET, MacKinnon J. Propranolol and Polythiazide in Treatment of Hypertension. Brit Heart J 1972;34:1042-1044.
O’Brien E. Hypertension: Who to Investigate and Treat. J Ir Med Ass 1972;65:605.
O’Brien E. Hepatic Tumours in Childhood. Brit Med J 1972;1:394.
O’Brien E. Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis. J Ir MedAss 1972;65:203.
O’Brien E. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. J Ir Med Ass 1972;65:319.
O’Brien E. Vectorcardiography. J Ir Med Ass 1972;65:346.
O’Brien E. Cardiac pacing in Acute Myocardial Infarction. J Ir Med Ass 1972;65:4()().
O’Brien E. Procainamide-Induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. J Ir Med Ass 1972;65:422.
O’Brien E. Tamponade after Acute Myocardial Infarction. Brit Med J 1972;2:310.
O’Brien E. Cardiac Biopsy. Brit Med J 1972;2:420.
Scientific papers
O’Brien E. Glucagon in ~he Treatment of Cardiogenic Shock Following Acute Myocardial Infarction. J Ir Med Ass 1973;66:415-417.
O’Brien E. Atrial Myxoma. J Ir MedAss 1973;66:20.
O’Brien E. Obesity and Coronary Heart Disease. Brit Med J 1973;1:566.
O’Brien E. Paradoxical Embolism. Brit Med J 1973;1:630.
O’Brien E. Beta-Blockers in the Treatment of Hypertension. J Ir Med Ass 1973;66:222.
O’Brien E. Athletes and the Electrocardiogram. Brit Med J 1974;2:575.
O’Brien E. Evaluation of the Jugular Venous Pressure. Brit Med J 1974;4:367.
O’Brien E. Why so Few Pacemakers? Brit Med J 1975;2:3.
O’Brien E. Consultants in Ireland: Time for decision. Brit Med J. 1975;2:291-2
O’Brien E. Or in the Heart or in the Head. Brit Med J 1976;4 1158
O’Brien E. Will no-one tell me what she sings? Brit Med J 1976;4: 1091
O’Brien E. Coitus and Coronaries. Brit Med J 1976;14:414.
Scientific papers
O’Brien E, Moloney P Myocardial Infarction and SLE: Beneficial Response to Treatment with Azathiprine. Ir J Med Sci 1977;146:436.
O’Brien E, Dajee H, Ward OC. Friedreich’s Disease – A Family Study. Eur J Cardiol 1977;6:151-154.
O’Brien E. A case of self-diagnosis. Brit Med J 1977;2:1648-9.
General and Educational
O’Brien E. A Policy Perspective for Treatment of Hypertension in the Community. Ir Med Times Sept.1977.
Scientific papers
O’Brien E. Some Medical problems in Pregnancy. Practitioner 1978;221:857-862.
O’Brien E. Advantages and Disadvantages of Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs. Angiology 1978;29:332.
O’Brien E. If I had… Hypertension. Br Med J 1978;2:1469-1470.
Books and booklets
O’Malley K, O’Brien E, Hickey N, Mulcahy R. Management of Hypertension. Irish Heart Foundation, Dublin 1978.
Scientific papers
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The ABC of Blood Pressure Measurement: the observer. Br Med J 1979;2:775-776.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The ABC of Blood Pressure Measurement: the patient. Br Med J 1979;2:920-921.
O’Brien E, O’Malley K. The ABC of Blood Pressure Measurement: technique. Br Med J 1979;2:9982-984.
O’Brien E. Antihypertensive Treatment in the Elderly. Br Med J 1979;2:1456-1457.
O’Brien E. Thoughts on blood pressure detection. J Ir Med Assoc 1979;72:125.
O’Brien E. History, diagnosis and then examination. J Ir Med Assoc 1979;72:499.